Meet Our Partners | PROMEA

Greetings from the WEEE-NET9 project, where sustainable solutions meet cutting-edge technology! I am Christos Mantoudis and it is a privilege to be part of this transformative initiative in the field of e-waste management and CRM recovery. As a devoted member of the WEEE-NET9 team, my role encompasses drafting project related deliverables, providing assistance on our communication strategies and overseeing the daily operations that drive our mission forward.

PROMEA is a non-profit society, based in Athens, Greece, aiming supporting environmental and energy research, focusing on advancing and disseminating innovative technological and policy solutions. It has extensive experience in the coordination and implementation of EU co-funded projects, including other EIT RawMaterials projects INNOCAT, PHEIDIAS, and ReLi-ion. PROMEA is also a member of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA).

PROMEA’s role in the project is to develop a coherent communication and dissemination strategy, relevant dissemination materials and establish the project’s webpage. PROMEA leads Work Package 3, where it has conducted market need analyses and business planning for developing WEEE ecosystems in the participating countries. In addition, PROMEA will provide input for the business matchmaking events that will take place throughout Work Package 5 and develop the necessary resources to ensure the post project commercial continuation during Work Package 6.

Together, we are on a mission to revolutionize e-waste management and enter a new era of CRM recovery. Join us in our pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future.

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